Our exclusive service provides the new home builder with regular updates of the construction of their new home. Designed specifically for the out-of-town future resident, each week we make multiple trips to your new home under construction, take picture and video footage of the current state of construction*.
Are you having something special done in your new home? Custom cabinetry and closets, a special craft room, a pool and spa, specialized electrical or low voltage systems, or perhaps the man-cave you've been needing all these years? Let us know and we'll track it and make sure to give these areas a special level of attention.
Each package includes regular observations and inspections by Don Wiley, a retired Construction Project Manager who spent 20 years on construciton sites and is well versed in the means, methods, and quality standards of all the construciton trades. In the rare case that something doesn't look right or doesn't match the permitted plans, you'll be notified so you can contact your home construciton manager of the possible problem. Please note, Gold Wingnut Productions cannot and will not provide any direction or instruction to any trade or other entity concerning the construction of your home, we are only acting as your eyes on the site and will provide you with feedback when something does not appear correct. Additinally, if you have questions about the build process and what is happening on the construction site, please fell free to contact us and we can explain most any item or work in progress.
If you see something in your update video or photos that doesn't look right or you want to see more of, just contact us and we'll make sure we give these areas additional attention. It's much better for both you and the builder to catch an overlooked, missing, or impropertly installed item early in construction than at your final walk-through.
Because of the level of attention and time required to bring you this service there are a limited number of these packages available. Even if you know your construction won't start for several weeks or even months from now, reserve your package so you don't miss out.
New Home Photo/Video Package
Our New Home Photo/Video package consists of 2 (we strive for 3 but sometimes the weather can be an issue) visits each week to your home site while under construction where we take pictures and video footage of the construction progress. The unedited images and footage are uploaded to a file share service (SugarSync.com) for you to download, view, and edit as you wish. Please see note below about the file share service.
Video footage is 1080p 24ips (minimum).
Still images are shot with a minimum 12MP camera, most images are shot with a 24MP or higher camera.
All still images are in .jpg format, RAW (.dng) format available at a small extra charge.
Upon completion of your home a USB drive with all your photos and videos is available upon request.
No YouTube videos or editing of videos or images is included in this package
New Home Photo/Video Package (up to 2200 sqft)....................................................................$489.99
New Home Photo/Video Package (2200 to 2500 sqft)...............................................................$539.99
New Home Photo/Video Package (2501 to 2800 sqft)...............................................................$589.99
New Home Photo/Video Package (2801 to 3100 sqft)...............................................................$639.99
New Home Photo/Video Package (3101 to 3400 sqft)...............................................................$689.99
Pool/Spa Addition (during initial construction) .............................................................................$69.99
RAW Format Images charge.................................................................................................................$19.99
Deluxe Video Package
In the Deluxe Video Package you get the basic photo/video package and plus weekly (approximately every 7-10 days depending on construction progress) custom created YouTube videos of your home under construction. The videos include a music soundtrack and photo date titling so you can see how your home is progressing from day-to-day. Each video is uploaded to your YouTube playlist that you can share with your friends and family as the home construction progresses. YouTube videos can be made unlisted/priavte upon request, otherwise all videos are available on YouTube for public viewing.
New Home Construction Update Deluxe Video Package (up to 2200 sqft) .....................$789.99
New Home Construction Update Deluxe Video Package (2201 to 2500 sqft) ................$839.99
New Home Construction Update Deluxe Video Package (2501 to 2800 sqft) ................$889.99
New Home Construction Update Deluxe Video Package (2801 to 3100 sqft) ................$939.99
New Home Construction Update Deluxe Video Package (3101 to 3400 sqft) ................$989.99
Pool/Spa Addition (during initial construction)...........................................................................$99.99
RAW Format Images charge..............................................................................................................$19.99
Additional custom services priced upon request.
Square footage of home is determined by the Climate Controlled area in the final permitted plans set on file with the County permitting office. Additional charges may apply due to additional size and home interior and exterior design considerations.
NOTE: Aerial video footage and images may be limited by wind and weather conditions and are not guaranteed. Suitability and safety of ground and flying conditions is at the discretion of the pilot and Gold Wingnut Productions, LLC. Interior and aerial imagery may also be limited by safety concerns and actual work in progress. No pricing adjustments or refunds due to wind, weather conditions, safety considerations, and accessibility of the home.
We do not do reduced packages with less frequent visits, all packages will be at the 2-3 visits per week with or without the weekly YouTube videos. This comes down to keeping our production schedule simple and consistent.
If your home construction is already in progress a reduced price for the reduced duration may be available. Please note this when you contact us below and when you speak to Don about your package.
Higher levels of service are also available at an additional cost, please note your desires in the Comments section below.
Leave us your new home information and we will get back to you.
Thank you for your interest in Gold Wingnut Productions. We will respond as soon as possible.
Due to the agressive nature of some spam filters, please add our domain name goldwingnut.com to your spam filter's list of allowed websites.
Thanks you,
Don Wiley
Gold Wingnut Productions, LLC
About the SugarSync file share service
Weather conditions may impact timing and quantity of weekly videos and photos.
All photos are shot with a minimum 12-megapixel camera.
All videos are shot in a minimum of 1080p resolution, end products are supplied in 1080p resolution.
Photo editing/enhancements services provided at $75/hr (1 hr. min.).
Payment terms: payment if full due at time of booking unless otherwise agreed.
All photos and videos are delivered via electronic media exchange service or physical media at an additional charge. No charge if customer supplied media is used.
For your protection and ours, customer supplied media must be new and in sealed package.
Payment forms accepted: Cash, check, credit card. We use Square.com for all electronic transactions.
The New Home Construction Package
Videos and photos normally taken on a not to interfere with construction basis.
Package includes 8 to 12 weeks of shoots to cover standard Villages construction schedule.
Weather conditions may require rescheduling or forgoing a weekly shoot.
If less than 8 weekly shoots are performed a credit of $50 per shoot, up to $150, will be issued at completion.
If more than 12 weekly shoots are required/requested an additional fee of $50/shoot will apply.
Interior photos not guaranteed and are based on home accessibility.
Special requests must be made a minimum 48 hrs. in advance and may be subject to additional fees.